Our company as a pneumatic machinery manufacturer gathered its best to produce air motors. We offer a lineup that includes multiple air motors, thereby achieving versatility of air motors that overturns existing conventions.
Particularly, our unique mechanism shines in terms of low-speed rotation or fast startup, which conventional air motors are not good at.
”MY HAND” is our Air balancer that uses compressed air as a power source.
With this balancer, you can easily raise, lower or move a heavy load.
MY HAND offers a safer and more efficient operation as “Your Right Hand.”
We also have experience in oilless hoists.
This product has been applied to date in various fields such as civil engineering, shipbuilding, steelmaking, and offshore platforms.
A user regulates the amount of air using a supplied needle valve and obtains an arbitrary rotation.
We offer equipment of various types to meet your desired specifications, such as specialized cranes for use in LNG terminals and cranes for blast furnaces at steel foundries